Rabbit hair quartz
A type of Rutilated quartz with reddish hair-like inclusions. Red Rutilated Quartz brings new hope, and is said to having a sort of anti-depressant quality.
It is believed to provide relief from anxiety and stress, promoting a strong flow of positive energy throughout the body. Red Rutilated Quartz is a very energizing crystal
that boosts energy and helps prevent fatigue and lethargy.
In Feng Shui, This crystal prepares one to face new challenges with confident, enhances concentration, improves foresight and also gives you the
ability to discern the positive or negative vibes or motives of a person, place, or thing. Rutilated quartz can help you see things that you might not notice otherwise, and help
you see what action needs to be taken in order to fix the problem that you are currently having. It can also give you the strength to actually take that action.
Rutilated Quartz can clear energy blockages from all of the chakras, bringing mental and physical balance and stability.
Emotionally, uplifting stone that is purported to infuse joy into one‘s life, soothe dark moods and alleviate depression. This stone is said to relieve loneliness, feeeling of guilt,
phobias, anxiety and fears. It counters self-hatred, heals emotional wounds and releases constrictions. Rutilated Quartz also promotes forgiveness at all levels.
Physically, Rutilated Quartz is reputed to speed healing of injuries and slow down aging. It is believed that ladies who wear them will exude better aura (looks ”brighter“ with improved complexion) - hence its name ”Iluminator for the soul“.